Tuesday 21 February 2017


Justice Saeed Kweku Gyan

Permit me to commence with the Traditional Islamic Salutation of: "Assalaamo Alaikum w.w".
We only just recently entered the year 2017. While thanking the Almighty Allah for taking us through 2016, it will not be out of place to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May the God Lord grant us and our dear Nation a PEACEFUL, PROSPEROUS and FULFILLING YEAR. May He bless us with excellent health, protection and security as well as Divine Provision and the happy fulfillment of our just expectations for this year and beyond. Amen.

It is, naturally, a great privilege and a source of considerable pleasure to once again be offered the chance to address this Convention or JALSA. I, therefore, thank our very revered Ameer and Missionary-In-Charge as well as the distinguished organizers of this year's Annual National Conference for this kind honour done me.

In the times and circumstances we find ourselves today, as a Nation and as a people, I consider the topic given to me, which co-incides with the theme for the convention to be not only significant but equally timely and appropriate.

As we all know, the theme for this IALSA is: "ENGENDERING PATRIOTISM: THE ROLE OF RELIGION".
The AHMADIYAA MUSLIM MISSION is a great and progressive religious movement in Islam which was founded some 130 years ago by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian.

The essence and purpose of the Ahmadiyya Mission had only recently been re-iterated and beautifully summed up by His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmed, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, on 22nd October 216, in course of the 1st National Peace Symposium held in Canada. His Holiness said as follows:-

"We, Ahmadi Muslims, believe the Founder of our Community to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi who was sent according to the prophecies of the Holy Prophet of Islam. During his life, the Promised Messiah shined an eternal light upon Islam's true teachings and informed the world of what Islam truly represents. Hence, the first point I wish to make clear is that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community should not be considered a "liberal" or "reformist" sect of Islam.

Rather, we are following the original teachings of Islam, as prescribed by the Holy Qur'an and the Holy Prophet Muhammed. Those noble teachings can be summed up in just two lines - to love your Creator and fulfill His rights and to love His Creation and to fulfill their rights. Thus, Muslims are taught to show love, compassion and kindness to all of God's Creation, especially to humanity which Allah has deemed as the best of Creation. It is absolutely true that we, Ahmadi Muslims, are peace-loving and seek to build bridges of love and hope between different religions and different communities. However, this is not because we have deviated from Islam or modernized it in any shape or form. Rather, it is because we follow Islam's authentic teachings. As I have just said, Islam's core teachings revolve around fulfilling the right of God Almighty and fulfilling the rights of His Creation".

It is this concept of religion, as expoused by Islam that has inspired and encouraged the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, where ever it has found a foot hold in the world, and more especially in the relatively more deprived areas, not only to propagate the truest teachings of Islam in the purest and most appropriate and civil manner, but to establish Schools, Hospitals and other facilities aimed at universally promoting the peace, welfare and sustenance of all citizens.

Ensuring the peace, security, welfare and general development of all citizens represents the core strength and mandate of the modern State or Nation which every Government is enjoined to assure for its citizens. Similarly, the citizens are required to work and co-operate with one another and to sacrifice to maintain the unity, security and enduring progress of their nations in order to achieve for themselves the objectives of the state of which they are the most critical component.

What Ahmadiyya in Islam stands for, as articulated by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad and quoted above, I believe, represents the core purpose and mandate of all true religions of the world today.

To that extent, I humbly submit that there is a manifest convergence or agreement between the objectives of the modern state and the fundamental operations of religious bodies. There should, therefore, not be any manifest or perceived dysfunctional conflict or violent clash between religion and the state.

The purpose of both is to build and harmonize the capacity of human beings in order to ensure PEACE, Self-Discipline, Truthfulness, Selflessness, Sacrifice, Justice, Fairness and equity as well as the promotion of Tolerance, Mutual Co-Existence and Co-Operation so as to achieve the progress and development of civilized society. Additionally, religion is expected to inculcate in its adherents uprightness, righteousness and a moral character, generally.

Ghana is held out as a very religious nation. It has been said that 600/0 of the Ghanaian population is Christian, 200/0 or so being Muslim, with the other religious bodies and animists or even atheists together taking up the rest of the population. Places of worship, especially Churches and Mosques are seen everywhere in Ghana. Class-rooms all over the country have been converted into church-rooms, especially on Sundays. Practically every day of the week, and not only Sundays, have now taken up Church Service, involving particularly the Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian groups.

That being so, Ghana should, obviously, have been seen as one of the most civil, most peaceful, most progressive, most secure, most tolerant, most just and equitable and probably most CONTENTED Countries in the world .

But is that the case?
To what extent are the citizens, especially the leaders, true to themselves and to their nation so as to facilitate and catalize the achievement of a more tolerant, more truthful, more productive and a more fair, just and equitable environment that offers desirable and appropriate opportunity for achieving the welfare, security and the satisfactory progress of all citizens, irrespective of their birth, place of origin, family, religion or political affiliation?

To ensure the above, a critical mass of the citizenry or the population must be cast in the mould of patriots.
Who is a Patriot?
According to the Penguin English Dictionary, a Patriot is ((a person who loves and zealously supports their country".

The ENCARTA WORLD ENGLISH DICTIONARY on its part views a Patriot as "somebody who proudly supports or defends his or her country and its way of life”. Patriotism is, consequently, defined as: "pride in or devotion to the country somebody was born in or is a citizen of'.

ENCARTA sees RELIGION as "people's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of God, a god, gods, and divine involvement in the universe and human life"

PENGUIN considers religion as the "organized service and worship of the supernatural or God, gods or a god;

2. Personal commitment or devotion to religious faith.

3. A cause, principle or system of beliefs held to with ardor or faith; -something considered to be of supreme importance".

It would be observed from the above definitions that both Religion and Patriotism relate to a solid and strict commitment to an entity or something that a person or group considers to be of supreme importance or of great value and which is seen to be higher than the individual person.

To that extent, every sane human being can be said to be a follower of religion; or to be committed to a cause that is higher than his material being to which he is prepared to devote himself in his daily life or existence. That is why I earlier on observed that commitment to Religion and the State cannot be regarded as incompatible or irreconcilable.

In modern times, however, in many parts of the world, especially where democracy as a system of governance is accepted and practiced, a clear attempt is made to separate Religion from the State, but with the State recognizing the right of citizens to adhere to their religious faith or beliefs while the adherents of religion accept and obey the authority of the State or Nation.

In other words, DIVINE and SECULAR authority is not seen to be mutually exclusive, but they are kept in their respective lanes each appreciative of and co-operating with the other to ensure the smooth running of society and the progressive achievement of the basic well-being and welfare of the community, the citizens as well as the environment.

It means, in practical terms, that religion and the State or Nation do play critical and highly important roles in the lives of all citizens; and of all people here on Earth.

And, that is why, over time, both RELIGLION and the STATE had devised or established laws, rules or regulations aimed at controlling and guiding or directing the relationship or interaction that must exist between and among individuals or groups themselves as well as their connection with and allegiance to the State or Nation.

Any distortion or violent conflict in these relationships would, naturally, lead to disorder, confusion or even a possible break down of society to the detriment of both the individual and the nation.

For the past Sixty (60) years, as a Nation, Ghana has through its various Constitutions and Government Institutions recognized the need for and the value of Religion together with the associate concept of freedom of religion, thought and CONSCIENCE. Accordingly, Religion and Religious bodies and groups have manifestly played very important roles in the life of both the citizens and the Ghanaian State or Nation.

Various religious bodies have over the years instituted several interventions in terms of establishing schools, hospitals and related social activities in support of the Government and the people which had tended to advance the living conditions and to ameliorate the difficulties of the citizens or people of Ghana.

By and large, it had been a collaborative effort that had advanced the interest of both sides. No doubt, it is an effort that is destined to continue, despite difficulties or conflicts that emerge periodically between Religious and State actors.

Ghana has been particularly fortunate not only in the long existence of cordial and close relations between religious bodies and religious authorities on the one hand and the State and Governments on the other hand, but more especially in the harmonious existence, co-operation and collaboration that had characterized the relationship between and among the numerous and diverse religious organizations and bodies in the country. This situation has marveled many visitors to our country and constitutes a great feather in the cap of all Ghanaians for which we can all justly be proud of. I am proud to be a Ghanaian. Recent events have even more appropriately justified my pride as a Ghanaian citizen.

Only a few weeks ago precisely on 7th January, 2017 there was a remarkably smooth and spectacular transfer of power from a Ghanaian Government/President that had lost power during the 7th December 2016 National Elections to an opposition party that had won the elections in a rather dramatic fashion.

To be sure, that was not the only occasion, in recent times, that Political power had changed hands in Ghana. The country received almost universal praises and acclaim for this year's almost extraordinarily quiet and virtually uneventful ceding over of power by an incumbent Government which had been dead sure of winning the last elections, precisely because of the nearly apocalyptic predictions of doom and the clearly manifest fear and panic that had gripped the nation in the many months before the general elections.

Tension had been visible and tangible in every corner of the nation before the elections. There had practically been no campaign season properly so-called this time round. Political campaigns and partisanship was in evidence even before, and more especially starting from 7th January 2013, when President John Dramani Mahama took office as the 4th elected President of the 4th Republic of Ghana.

But the mutual suspicion, animosity, the perceived hatred and obviously contrived threats of violence and the war drums heard in all the corners of the country, together particularly with the extremely ugly and virulent verbal attacks and counter/attacks, coupled with the pervasive false news churned out and propagated in the numerous media, especially the broadcast media, in the several months prior to the National Elections on 7thDecember 2016, could arguably be said to have been UNPRECEDENTED in the political history of the 4th Republic of Ghana. This Nation stood on tenterhooks and it appeared as though it was on the verge of explosion or disarray.

Little wonder that the cries for PEACE assumed greater intensity and diversity this time round. What seems derisively, to be termed the PEACE INDUSTRY that had emerged lately in the round-up to general elections in this country assumed an even greater presence in recent times.

Ghanaians of all religious persuasions together with all religious bodies and groups went into overdrive earnestly and fervently praying to God for Divine intervention to achieve peaceful, credible, smooth and generally acceptable general elections in order to save Ghana from disorder, confusion, chaos, disruption or even disintegration before, during or after the elections.

There was naturally, therefore, a huge sigh of relief when the incumbent President appropriately and commendably called his opponent, even before the formal declaration of the Election Results by the Chairperson of Ghana's Electoral Commission, to concede defeat and to congratulate him and his New Patriotic Party on their hard worn election.

It is clearly this encouraging development that facilitated and promoted the admirably smooth transition that we have witnessed after the 7th December 2016 General Elections in Ghana.

This precedent of President Mahama ought to be applauded and recognized by all people of goodwill and should be highly encouraged in the years ahead.

Equally to be acknowledged and praised was the obviously conciliatory gestures and posture of the victorious opposition leader, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. His utterances and observations called for peace, collaboration and the unity of our nation and our people, promising to be the "father of all" and not just the President for his victorious New Patriotic Party.

Indeed, the very opening words of His Excellency, President Akufo-Addo during his Inaugural Address on 7th January 2017, which warmly praised his predecessor, who had just passed on the baton of Presidential Office and Power to him, was exciting and gracious.

We are truly witnessing the dawn of a new era in Ghana; we are in exciting times, presaging, hopefully, greater days ahead for Ghana and its citizens.

But whether the times ahead will be good and fulfilling for our country and its citizens depends inevitably on the conduct, action, ATTITUDE and performance of all the people of Ghana, irrespective of their party affiliation, gender, creed, position or religious persuasion.

In this regard, the conduct, posture, transparency and specific performance of the newly elected leaders, particularly our new President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the New Patriotic Party, which he had dramatically led into victory in the face of truly daunting and seemingly impossible circumstances, are of critical importance.

There is little doubt that the now defeated National Democratic Congress Government never really received the recognition and acceptance of their opponents since they resumed power. But the earnest cry now is for a general change of ATTITUDE by all Ghanaians to forge ahead and to fight for a common cause-the peace, unity, progress, prosperity and solid development of the MOTHERLAND and hence the welfare and happiness of the citizens of Ghana.

In this regard, there can be no sitting on the fence for any Ghanaian. More importantly there can, for the new major opposition party, namely the NDC, no repetition of the now decried and unacceptable posture of opposition for opposition sake that had apparently afflicted our country in the past. Ghana indeed belongs to all Ghanaians and it is the Patriotic duty of all the citizens of

Ghana to put their shoulders to the wheel and move Ghana forward as contemplated by our forebears and keenly anticipated by our future generations; and, of course even more so by our current generation.
There is no doubt that the challenges and difficulties ahead are DAUNTING; perhaps frightening.

The good news, however, is that Ghanaians have, over the years, largely established themselves as having a fundamentally optimistic, normally trusting and second-chance giving disposition, as well as a steely and unyielding but, nonetheless, unpredictable character.

The bad news also is that, as a result of the conduct and character of the political and educated elite, there had emerged an undesirable cynicism among the people about their own Nation and the Institutions of State.

This unfortunate tendency was recently highlighted by former President Mahama in his last State of the Nation Address before Parliament on Thursday, 5th January 2017. Then President Mahama delivered himself thus:

"Political opposition and differences of opinion are vital to the health and growth of a democracy. Political parties are formed when people of similar ideology come together to move their agenda forward in a way that best serves their country.

But the wellbeing of the nation and the will of the people must always come first. Partisanship for its own sake, in the end, is no better than dictatorship. If we look around the world, we can so clearly see the deep divide that blind partisanship is creating in nations with democracies far older than ours. We can see, too the divide that it is threatening to create in ours if we are not careful. Already, it had taken a toll on our morale and our sense of optimism. It has given way to a cynicism that is as dangerous to the incoming political party as it was to ours.

We cannot afford as a nation to wish or hope for the failure of any president and his or her government.
Ensuring accountability is not the same as leveling insults or encouraging apathy. We have history as proof that we have been better and we have done better. And we will, we must, do better once again”.

It is this seemingly negative development that appears to have emerged and taken root in our national psyche, which manifestly threatens the peace, unity, stability and sustenance of our Motherland. It therefore, calls for an urgent and general rethink about our attitude towards the affairs of Ghana; especially regarding our political ways.

PATRIOTISM or NATIONALISM is the only discernible and practical solution for our country going forward. There can be no ifs and buts in this regard. It is an obligation every Ghanaian owes to himself, to his Nation and to the future generations. It is a responsibility which is captured in the solemn words of our National Anthem, the National Pledge as well as our alternative Anthem dubbed: "Yen ara yen Asase ni", by the great Ephraim Amu.

The very theme of our present JALSA impliedly admits that there is currently a deficiency in or absence of PATRIOTIC zeal in our· character and demean as Ghanaians. And, that is what makes the theme virtually prophetic and almost disturbing. It does not merely sound the alarm bells. It is a chilling cry for national deliverance or redemption now.

To achieve this requires TOTAL national effort, not just a crusade by a section of the nation or by certain individuals.

In the circumstances, it is not surprising that as a religious body, the AHMADIVY A MUSLIM MISSION in Ghana would at this particular time adopt as its theme for the current 85th Annual Convention the Topic:
"ENGENDERING PATRIOTISM: THE ROLE OF RELIGION”. Patriotism may, to a large extent, help to stem the tide of cynicism and the many other negative attitudes that, over the years, appear to have developed and nearly ossified in our country and in our communities, among the old and the young, the educated and illiterate, and even among the professionals and the technocrats.

Regrettably, it seems that not even leadership in our country, at the various levels of responsibility and influence, is immune to this cancerous contagion.

It is much acknowledged that the greatest concern today is about the seemingly pervasive acts of CORRUPTION in every aspect of our society - public and/or private. There is also the urgent demand for efficiency, effectiveness, prudence, and transparency together with moral uprightness in the conduct of the affairs of state, particularly concerning the handling of the nation's resources and especially" the national purse in a manner that would best serve the interest of the Father land as well as all the citizens of Ghana.

Above all, there is the imperative need for love of country, respect for state Institutions, obedience to the law, the enforcement of Law and order; and also for effective, fair and transparent JUSTICE together with a definite eye on the enjoyment of Human and Constitutional Rights for all the citizens of our country.
What has RELIGION got to do with all this?

Is Religion not supposed to merely deal with or concentrate on issues of the SALVATION of man's soul? To think about Heaven and Hell; to be concerned with matters of the Hereafter; of life after death? Why should Religion enter into the mundane corridors of the physical or material affairs of the here and now; particularly in POLITICAL matters?

In 2012 at this very JALSA grounds while speaking on the topic: "Love for country is part of faith ", I had cause to observe as follows:-
"Ghanaians are often loosely described as a highly religious people. So we frequently pride ourselves that we are a Religious Nation. It must, however, be obvious to any just and discerning person that our mere religiosity does not seem to reflect in our individual lives so as to turn us into a people working to create a peaceful, just and prosperous country where the opportunity to truly develop in our individuality and mutual interdependence exists for all, irrespective of tribe, class or religious affinity.

SELFISHNESS seems to be growing and assuming alarming and CANCEROUS proportions. With it is emerging a dangerous conflict in inter-personal relations leading to distortions and varying threats to NATIONAL UNITY PROGRESS and COHESION.

But the lessons of history teach us that no civilized community had ever existed or survived for long upon the mere RELIANCE on extreme love for INDIVIDUAL INTEREST and respect for only personal rights, NEEDS OR DEMANDS without the corresponding responsible and proportional regard for the rights of the community as a whole". Clearly, religion cannot divorce itself from politics and vice versa.
Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the 4th Khalifa (Head) of the World-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission once declared as follows:-

"There is no contradiction between the word of God and Act of God.
There is no clash between loyalty to one's state and religion in Islam.
But this question does not relate to Islam alone" (See: Islam's response to contemporary issues").
Thus, for example, JESUS CHRIST is famously quoted in the Holy Bible to have stated, in his response to a delicate 'and obviously mischievous question posed by his opponents (the Pharisees) as follows:-
"Pay back, therefore, Caesar's to Caesar, but God's things to God". (Mathew 22:21).
JESUS equally indicated that no one can pretend to love God whom he cannot see and hate his fellow man, whom he sees and meets with every day.
On his part, the Holy Prophet of Islam is reported to have declared variously as follows:-
"Love for your Homeland is part of your faith".
"Obedience to the laws of the land is part of faith".
"The best among you is not the one who forgets the life after death in order to enjoy the present, nor the one who does the contrary; the best among you is the one who takes from both"
"He who is not grateful to his people can never truly be grateful
to God".
"Love for others what you love for yourself'.
The Quran also says:
"0 ye who believe, obey Allah and obey His Messenger and those who are placed in authority among you. (Chapter 4 (AI-NISA):60).
"And create not disorder on earth after it has been set in order. (Chapter 7:57).
Clearly then, we as believers or people of faith have imposed on us a definite duty towards our God, to our Religion and to our Country. This obligation is placed on us by Allah Himself which- we dare not shirk. There is no doubt that our country Ghana, is a Nation worth loving and living' for. We must relate to Ghana as we do with a mother whom we love dearly.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V had in this regard recently stated in a speech delivered in Canada as follows:-
“A person should offer sympathy and compassion and be willing to serve others without any expectation, just as a mother serves and selflessly nourishes her child without any desire for reward or recompense. This is the altruistic and benevolent spirit that Islam advocates and teaches, wherein it calls on Muslims to open their hearts for the good of mankind".

Now, I sincerely believe, that is the substance and essence of PATRIOTISM. To engender Patriotism is to consciously and systematically create CITIZENS of character, dignity and self-worth who are able and willing to zealously and selflessly serve their nation and their community with passion and honesty; persons who are even prepared to lay down their very lives for the greater good of all.

These are the citizens whose loyalty and love for their Nation cannot be questioned or doubted under any circumstances. Nor will they sell their country and its vital interests far quicker and for far less than what Judas Iscariot did against his Master and Lord!!

In Ghana, many and varied past attempts had been made to nurture Patriotism in the Ghanaian people. President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah sought to achieve that through the formation of the Young Pioneer Movement and by establishing the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute at Winneba with the aim of building a cadre corps that would unquestionably be devoted to their country and serve her interests well. He was accused of messianic pretentions and attempting to promote Communist Ideology in Ghana.

His overthrow suddenly ended that endeavour. Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia introduced the concept of Civic Education to fight against corruption and ensure courtesy, etiquette and morality among the youth. The effort died with his overthrow by Kutu Acheampong who, on his part, introduced the National Pledge, and the concept of "DOMESTICATION" and the policy of Ghanaians capturing the commanding heights of the economy as a way of fostering nationalism in Ghanaians. Jerry John Rawlings fired up the spirit of Volunteerism during the days of his Revolutionary adventures.

The Religious organizations must start a vigorous and conscious campaign to build a new Ghana. And that must start from the individual family level by encouraging and sustaining responsible parenting which will facilitate and ensure the appropriate control and accountability of our children. After all, the Bible has rightly said that: teach a child where to go and it will not depart from it as an adult. We must change by building a new and POSITIVE ATTITUDE.

The Religious organizations must, accept to implement programs for children which would inculcate in them the values of discipline, valour, honesty, honour, love for country and protection of national and communal property and resources. Truth and dedication to duty, the willingness to take and accept personal responsibility. the fear of God and the need for accountable conduct at all times must feature prominently in a sustained drive to create the new Ghanaian, be he a Christian or Muslim child. And this must be championed by the people of faith led by dedicated leaders of Religion.

In the meantime, the full force and might of Religion must be brought to bear on naming. shaming and exposing all those who abuse the privilege of the positions that are entrusted to them; and who unlawfully or illegally amass wealth by dipping their hands into the national purse-be they Politicians, Professionals, Technocrats, Bureaucrats or any other office holders. By naming and shaming in this context, I mean to say that Religious organizations must stop promoting wrong-doing by not giving pride of place to or hero-worshipping persons of ill or questionable repute.

Our Religious Authorities must begin to be concerned about how our members suddenly gain wealth and poke their inexplicable sudden wealth into our eyes in the Churches and Mosques.

The prosperity messages and sermons that now dominate our mass religious discourse must give way to true messages of Salvation, Redemption and Divine Accountability as the Prophets of old taught.

The time has come for Religious Leaders to have the Courage and Integrity to speak truth to Power. But to do so, they must themselves be worthy messengers of the hard truth they carry.

Permit me to end by reminding us of the concluding observations I made in the speech I delivered in 2014 during the 82nd Annual National Jalsa on these very grounds: I stated then as follows:-

"We need leaders of INTEGRITY and moral UPRIGHTNESS who will run our affairs in a transparent, accountable, just and fair manner. Leaders who have CONSCIENCE and who are pricked by their conscience to always PUT the best interest of the country first and not consider the interest of themselves, their families, friends and cronies as their prime objective in life.

This must begin from the level of the family, which is fast breaking down and producing undisciplined citizens. Our Educational Institutions must begin to reflect truly value based places of instruction and graduate strong,-willed persons with moral conviction and high resolve to serve society with integrity and humility.

Members of Parliament should show better example in producing just laws and serving as proper watch dogs over the Executive. Allegations of Bribery and Corruption against some Members of Parliament should make us all sit up.

The perception of corruption in the Judiciary is high and pervasive.

This country cannot long survive without a just and trust-worthy Judiciary.

As for the Executive Arm of Government, they are the fulcrum around which this country's development revolves.

Without upright men and women in Government this nation will soon become a Banana Republic without a future.

Ghana has been so over-blessed by God with so much natural resources that should her citizens exhibit the barest minimum integrity, good faith and moral uprightness in their dealings with one another and in serving their nation, there would, most certainly, be no need, whatsoever, for us to be the beggar nation that we seem to portray our country to be, by going all over the world, begging for crumbs to balance our Annual Budget, when with prudent management and godliness, we can raise the resources required to push our nation forward in dignity and self-respect and make our people prosperous and HAPPY".

It is only patriotic citizens who are MOTIVATED and fired-up by the CORE VALUES of truly faith based religion; being persons who can stand up and be counted due to their character, integrity and moral uprightness who alone can be depended upon to bring about that new Ghana which has been painted above.  May God help us to see that day sooner than later.
Thank you; and once again HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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